Saturday, July 30, 2011

What To Do In The Case Of "Psychic Attack"

Now there may be times when you will experience something that has sometimes been referred to as Psychic Attack. The symptoms might be that your hands might shake, that even your teeth might chatter and yet it's not cold nor will it feel cold though you might have a sense of a coldness present.

This is what's going on. This is only in extremely rare cases some kind of spirit phenomena. Vastly more often you will be dealing with hate and anger projected or left, most likely unintentionally in the case of left, by human beings.

Perhaps there was some violent outburst in the space you find yourself in but in the case of Channels you see, where you are either reaching out to receive information or you are expanding yourself and thus becoming a bit more vulnerable which is a factor built in for channeling because reception is reception, then you might pick up on that at some point.

If and when that happens, and it probably won't happen for most of you, immediately break the contact whatever you are doing even if you are channeling something benevolent and loving. It means that something else has been touched either by you unintentionally or something has strayed into your energy field. If that happens you must break the contact, as I say even if you are channeling someone benevolent - even if it is someone you have channeled before. Don't assume it's from them. Most likely it's not though it's not impossible.

So, after you break the contact immediately request clearing using clearing processes that I will simplify here for you. If you can, be sitting down or laying down - whatever position you were in when you were channeling or doing your channeling practice.

After you calm down a bit and can speak - but if it is too strong immediately say as best you can, "I am asking that gold light beings and light beings who are compatible with the gold light or compatible with gold light beings or both come now and clear me of any energies or entities or other harmful influences that are causing this great discomfort I know as psychic attack…" (pause after saying psychic attack) "…and to do so now for me in the most benevolent way."

Then lie back and wait until that happens or relax in the chair. If you can think as little as possible or hold an image of white light or gold light, either one, whichever is more comfortable and easily done for you. If you find yourself thinking, don't give yourself a hard time, just stop and try to do that imaging with the light. It will help in the process of clearing.

I'll say more about these things in time but I just wanted to bring that up today because someone has asked this question and I felt it was relevant and important. The chances of this happening to you are extremely remote but if it does happen you will have this knowledge to know what I recommend that you do.


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Some Aspects About Sensitivity As A Channel

Now there's something else you need to know and that's that it's in the nature of the work of Deep Trance Channeling and the extreme focus in concentration you have to have to maintain your self to be open to such deep profound wisdom - albeit that it comes in a loving energy and that's something personal for you - over time you may find that you become very sensitive to other input - meaning you might become more aware of light phenomena around you, such as seeing Light Beings or other such loving entities but this also suggests something else doesn't it? And that's that you will simply become more sensitive and this might effect other aspects of your life.

It may be that you will begin to perceive things that are there - meaning other forms of life and so on. It won't be anything frightening because the more you get involved with spiritual work like this the more you will become at ease with such things.

There's one thing else that needs to be said and that's because it could effect your social life - not necessarily in a bad way but it could come up and that's that you will probably become sensitive across the board, meaning in every aspect of your life. In some cases this could improve the quality of your life but in other cases people might find you at times to be nervous, high strung or edgy.

If you notice that people find you to be that way or if you get that feeling or if you start apologizing for yourself more than you ever have before then you'll know it's time to move apart from folks for a while - meaning give yourself 2 or 3 days* to just rest, relax, don't work. If you have books you like to read that's a good time to do that but don't read anything too dramatic** or so intellectually stimulating that you become overwhelmed with thoughts. It's a time to relax your mind as well as your feeling self. I'll say more about that in time.



*For some people, besides being apart from people and resting for 2 or 3 days, the ideal might be for a week.

**Also when you're resting during that week or 2 or 3 days don't watch anything on television that's too exciting - and as a general rule of thumb begin to ease yourself away from any entertainments, meaning that which you might read in fiction or watch in TV or go to the movies or see in the theatre, that are violent or even that have aspects of violence associated with the story line. You can read things that are mildly suggestive of violence but not anything graphic or anything like that. It may not have bothered you in the past but it will bother you once you become more sensitive this way.

Friday, July 1, 2011

The Way I Look as I Begin to Channel

Greetings, I'd like to direct your attention towards my post called Growth in Dreams on my Explorer Race blog.

Right around the midway point or just slightly beyond, of that video I go into channeling and you'll see me go through some stages on the video and then towards the end of the video you'll see me come out of it.

I'm mentioning this to you even though I had the video up here on Channeling Guidance, I decided that it would be best to just refer you to the Explorer Race blog for those of you who are interested in seeing the transformative process I go through to achieve the deep trance channeling state*.

Also I have material to post to this blog but haven't had a chance to do it and will try to do that soon. Thank you for your interest and your patience and I might add that patience however challenging it may be is part and parcel of learning how to channel and experiencing the process. I'll say more about that soon.


*It was very much different when I first started out. The process took several minutes and looked quite a bit different but now after all these years it has become very much what you see in the video.